10 dezembro 2007

Life at Altachem

For who doesn't know Altachem sometimes there's a lot to do...Joana & Ivone with the foams and Jean & Nuno with their drawings...

But sometimes there's really nothing!

In that special moments that we don't have anyone bothering us and because we don't want to feel bored..we must enjoy life over here...:)

2 comentários:

Dunguinha disse...

O que eute gosto de ver de fato de macaco supostamente branco!!! loooooooooooooool... vou voltar a Bruxelas no dia 14 de Fev.. =)

Anônimo disse...

...oh joana, realmente! Mas o que e que tu fazes durante o dia?! mudas pneus?!


Beijo gande gande